I. (adj.) (of things, persons, manners) ruda;
- (to the touch) aspera, desglata;
- (crude, in its natural state) kruda;
- (bristly) herisita;
- (of the sea) ond-agitata, ondoza;
- (of the weather) mala, sturmoza;
- (of manners) bruska; brutala; insultanta;
- (of a person, act or thing) grosiera;
- (not exact) proxima, proximigala.
- a rough copy - klado; esbosuro;
- a rough estimate - proxima, proximiganta evaluo o judiko;
- a rough diamond - kruda diamanto;
- rough glass - neglata o nepolisita vitro;
- a rough (person) - kanalo, kanali-(ul)o.
II. (v.)