
De Wikivortaro
(Ridirektita de services)


(use) utileso; helpo; avantajo;
(bidding) impero, komando;
(worship) oficio;
(military duty) dejuro;
(table dishes) servico;
(of a writ) notifiko;
(of a rope) futero;
(homage) homajo;
Divine Service: (deo-) oficio;
a tea service: teo-servico;
secret service money: statala pekunio sekreta;
in service: (of servants) esar en la servado di ulu, esar employata da ulu;
out of service: desengajita;
the service: l’armeo la militonavala servado;
of service: utila; on service: (duty) dejurar;
on active service: en aktiva servado;
to render a service to: facar servo ad ulu, helpar ulu;
to be in the service of: servar (ulu), esar servisto (di ulu);
I am at your service: me esas (tote) pronta servar vu;
administrative service: administrala servado;
service of a machine: servado di mashino;
a machine in service: mashino funcionanta;
a machine out of service: mashino nefuncioniva;
service of glass: kristala servico.
be of service to - servar.
service tree - sorbiero.


rendre un service à qqn. - facar servo ad ulu
être au service de qqn - servar ulu, esar servisto di ulu
être de service - (milit.) dejurar.
je suis tout à votre service - me esas (tote) pronta servar vu
service administratif - administrala servado
service d'une machine - servado di mashino
machine en service - mashino funcionanta
en ordre de service - funcioniva, funcion-pronta
hors (de) service - nefuncioniva
service de table (vaisselle) servico.
service de cristal - kristala servico
(office religieux) oficio
être attaché au service de - servar.