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De Wikivortaro

I. (v.) (com.) (financially) kreditar;

(trust; believe) fidar (ad); kredar (ulu, ulo).
(attribute) atribuar (ulo ad ulu)

II. (n.) (com.) kredito;

(trust) fido;
(belief) kredo;
(honour) honoro;
(reputation) bona reputo.
to give credit - (also fig.) kreditar (ulu per ulo), (attribute) atribuar (ulo ad ulu).
to do credit to - honorizar (ulu, per ulo).
I gave you credit for more sense - me kredis ke vu havis bona judiko.
credit entry - kreditajo.
letter of credit - kreditoletro.
sell on credit - kredite vendar.
credit account - kreditokonto.
a face credit - kreditar.