
De Wikivortaro
(Ridirektita de highest)


(of cheek-bones) salianta;
(of meat) putranta, putrinta, desfresha.
raise up high - elevar (ulu, ulo).
four metres high - alta di quar metri.
high object - altajo (cf. kolmo).
of high degree - altagrada, altagrado.
high relief - alta-reliefo.
high in colour - (tre) koloroza.
high sea - larja / libera maro.
high treason - statala trahizo.
carry the head high - tenar alte la kapo.
rule with a high hand - dominacar; traktar ulu severe / stikte; esar arogante.
high voice - alta voco; (fig.) lauta voco.
have a high opinion of oneself - havar bona opiniono pri su.
on high - supre.
The Most High - la superega Ento, la Super-ego.
high Mass - granda meso.
from on high - de supre.
high born - de nobla (od, alta) raso (od, nasko).
high flown - (style) grandioza.
high flying - extravaganta.
high pressure - alt-presa, alta preso.
highspirited - fiera; superba; impetuoza, impetuema; vivaca.
high priest - pontifiko, chef-sacerdoto.
high prize - la chefa premio.
high life - high-life; mondumo eleganta (od, alta).
high liver - bon-vivanta, bon-vivero.


supera (cf. superiora; sura).
raise higher - (rents, prices, wages, etc.) (plu, pluse) augmentar; (cf. elevar).
make higher - (in dimensions) plualtigar.


highest value - maxima valoro.
highest possible - maxim (multe, alte, grande) posible.
at the highest - admaxime.
highest part - suprajo; somito; kolmo.